Tag Archives: anger

Where do you come from?

18 Oct

I realize this is supposed to be a beauty blog but what I am writing about today is not about a beauty product. It is more along the lines of living life a happier person which imparts itself to true beauty.

A while back, I subscribed to a newsletter written by a life coach and motivational speaker named Christine Hassler.  She wrote a book detailing the more difficult changes your life can go through and some really effective ways to deal with it all.  Admittedly it was aimed at 20 somethings but regardless, I being young at heart, read it and desperately wanted to apply some of what she was saying to my daily routine.  Needless to say, it is next to impossible to rewire your thinking and basically alter your brainwaves to see a crappy situation in a positive light when your used to seeing things entirely different. When times are difficult, your brain will automatically go to your “comfort zone” and take you to where you think you should be.  This can be good or bad depending on your point of view and more importantly your overall perspective (glass half empty or half full kind of thing).  As luck would have it, my perspective was mostly a d-o-w-n-e-r.   I could barely see past my tears, fears or anger to get a clear view and when I did see something it was usually bad.  My defense mechanism was unhealthy.

Each week, I receive my usual weekly email from her which details positive affirmations, quotes, stories..  you name it.  I usually just skim it and move on. But last week, her email took me by surprise.   The header was “Come from a place of love and you will never go wrong”.  Wow.  It spoke VOLUMES.  Fortunately, it came at a time when I was open to understanding what that meant.  Without getting all Psych 101 on you, I want to express how much that sentence meant to me.  It has been overwhelmingly difficult to always come from a place of “love”.  We are human.  We get mad or sad or angry or fearful so we react from that place.  The results are usually disastrous.

I am going to quote a paragraph from her email so you can read it as it was meant to be delivered.

” True fulfillment is only possible when we come from a place a love.  And the problem is most of us are coming from a place of fear, not love. And the even bigger problem is that we are able to create a lot of success and goal line results from that place of fear – in fact, it is often our strongest motivator.  But when fear is what is propelling us, will we ever feel fulfilled?  Nope. 

Consider that the things that you are really good at in your life are not good for you and are not creating true fulfillment in your life. In fact the beliefs and skill sets you have developed from those beliefs that have created external success in your life may actually be blocking you from truly knowing and expressing your most authentic gifts”.

This may or may not matter to you but it matters enough to me to want to share.  And maybe those around me cannot understand the message at this time and I will continue to endure their selfishness and carelessness but now, little by little, it will affect me less (and has). I am finding that the journey to happiness doesn’t depend on someone else, it is all me and my outlook needs to be solid to get to that place of true fulfillment.

How can I tie this in to beauty?  Well less frowning = less wrinkles.  And if you use your Advanced Night Repair as well, your batting a thousand.

Stay beautiful inside and out 🙂



email excerpt taken from “Invest in the Business of You” by Christine Hassler at





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