Tag Archives: old-picture.com

the great balancing act ….

27 Nov

I am off today thankfully.  Trying to get caught up and my first instinct is to write an awesome blog post because it has been awhile.  Time is so cruel sometimes….grrrr.   Anyway,  so I see here that I have saved about 4 drafts of unfinished blog entries.  As of now, they are still sitting in my drafts.  I have one that covers all types of makeup brushes, one about perfume and yet another on my top 5 beauty products.  As I have discovered since beginning this blog site, it takes time and accuracy to create these posts.  I want them to be full of worthy information as well as include lots of cool photos.  My work schedule has been extremely busy in the past month and that has lent itself to incomplete entries.  Not good 😦

Well the buck stops here!

As much as I like a regular paycheck, I realized that trying to work full time, take care of my family AND get my new business off the ground was not working out so well.  The hours that go along with retail are not workable in my situation.  I can’t possibly get everything done.  So as of December 1st, I am 100% on my own and getting my freelance business off the ground.  I am marketing myself like crazy, meeting lots of new people and making myself available to every opportunity possible.  This will also allow me to work on my websites and my personal favorite, my blog site.  I need to get camera and video savvy in a hurry to keep this site feeling fresh and inspiring!!

This adventure has been the best ever and I want to devote all of my energy to working in and talking about the profession I love so much.  I am looking forward to diving right in and getting Supernatural Makeup Design off to a great start for 2013!

“Open your eyes, look within.  Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?”

~Bob Marley

Thank you as always for your support and interest.



(photo courtesy of old-picture.com)



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